
Why Your Magento Website Is Not Ranking?

Magento Website

When the stops performing in the search engine result pages, a panic situation may occur on the webmaster’s end. The most optimal solution to ensure the performance of the website is to find the issues in the website. But whom to contact for the SERPs ranking problem? In this blog, we will try to understand why websites get stuck in the SERPs by taking a Magento website as an example. 

Since it will be a Magento website we stick to the eCommerce website ranking in the SERPs topic. Most of the issues being stated here are the issues that eCommerce websites observe when struggling with the rankings in the SERPs. We at Yazlo have the best Magento development services in Canada that provide not just Magento website development services but also customized Magento extensions. All these services combined make your Magento website not just performance-oriented but also help you to get the best SERP position against your competitors. 

Duplicate Content In Magento Website:

Duplicate content in the Magento website can create several issues that all make the website sink in the SERPs ranking. Google prioritizes the content that is the most suitable for the users if your website has pages that have the same content they will start competing with each other rather than competing with competitors’ websites. Of course, we wouldn’t want that and the duplication issue isn’t restricted just to the on-page content it also happens in the URLs of the Magento website. 

Often Magento creates several URLs for the same content, this also causes content duplication. To resolve this issue Magento also offers canonical tags, but if you do not have an experienced Magento developer canonicals won’t be put in place from the beginning of development. 

Meta Tags Of  A Magento Website:

Meta tags are the ones that Google takes notice of in the first impression of the website. This happens for all eCommerce websites be it Shopify, Magento, or WordPress websites. Meta tags also happen to be the most essential optimization factor in SEO. Most of the Magento developers leave out the meta tags of the website to default and this becomes another reason for the website not to get due recognition in the SERPs. 

The same thing happens for the meta description of a Magento website. A meta description is a piece of content that helps search engines understand the content of the page. Every page of the website worthy enough to be ranked in the SERPs must have a unique meta description. Sometimes inexperienced Magento developing agencies leave the meta description empty, which affects the performance of the page.  

In order to check if your Magento website’s meta tags are optimized or not, check the top of the tab of your website. If it’s not optimized make sure to hire a digital marketing agency to take care of all the optimizations in the website. Another option is to utilize a third-party plugin like Magento 2 Meta Tags Templates by FMEextensions which automatically generates SEO-optimized meta tags for your product, category, and CMS pages.

This solution is best when dealing with a large number of pages, as manually creating optimized meta tags for every page can be a time-consuming and laborious task. At Yazlo we have both the digital marketing team and the Magento development team that works in parallel to make sure that website is optimized from header to footer. 

Slow Page Speed Of The Magento Website:

Slow page loading speed means when the user tries to access the web page of a Magento website and the page takes more time to load on the device than recommended. This can waive off the user and if this happens often the bounce rate will increase eventually affecting the SERP ranking. 

Magento Developers should take care of page speed optimization in the development process. But sometimes the page speed can be affected after the addition of Magento extensions on the Magento website. Since Yazlo has a roster of Magento developers who not only develop Magento websites but also have the expertise in developing Magento extensions. So, no matter what we keep the Magento website optimized for all devices. 

Non-SEF URLs And URL Rewrites In Magento Website:

SEF URLs mean search engine-friendly URLs and it’s those URLs that make the most sense to the users and the search engines. Most Magento websites try to sell products without optimizing the URLs for the product page. This might work in low competition or for rare products. But if you are competing for a product page ranking, every SEO metric matters. 

To resolve this issue, the Magento Development Team at Yazlo tries to create URLs that define the page itself. If the website is handed to our team which already has pages with non-SEF URLs then we use the Rewrite feature of the Magento website. It helps us create new SEF URLs and automatically redirect the old ones to the new ones. 

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